Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Makeover Calling...

I read way too many blogs... yet do not keep my blog update or in style. It's quite pathetic, I know! This is perhaps the way some areas in my life are too. I could use a major makeover when it comes to my life and priorities. Since lists keep me organized, I shall make one... and hopefully stick to it!

1. Keep up with my quiet time. I'm involved in a few different groups at my church, which have definitely helped me make my relationship with God more than just a relationship. But still... I struggle with this area so much! Why is it that I can find time to watch my favorite show or sit on facebook, but I can't quiet down my heart and get into His word every day?

2. MY ART!!!! I'm a designer and I adore everything about art. I have unpainted canvases, unfinished sketches, designs that need help... but I ignore all of this. I will design all day at work and then do things for other people, but when it comes to my personal work... it takes a huge back burner.

3. My shelf full of unread books. I love bookstores... I love books! But I have this tendency to buy books and never get around to reading them... or even worse I start, but do not finish them.

4. Blogging... I like to blog and I've been meaning to blog and do it the right way. BUT I don't like this template and my thoughts are unorganized, so I have about 30 unpublished posts. I need to design my own blog and then get my thoughts in order so I can truly blog.

5. Baking. I like to bake. I bake at least once a week because I run out of things to eat at my house. However, I have this inner diva baker in me that just wants to go insane and bake a huge wedding cake masterpiece... but that would never happen. However, I could settle for some legit cupcakes. I have about about 5 recipes I bake over and over again. I need to broaden my horizons.

Five small areas I want to focus on... I don't want to get too carried away. I have plenty of others, but I don't want to take on too much at once.