Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Expectations and Anticipation

Expect the unexpected. That saying holds a lot of irony. It seems natural to know that things will happen in life that you do not plan on. However, if you're expecting something to happen, even though you do not know what it is, that thing is no longer unexpected. Right? Or perhaps I am wrong and just talking in circles. Either way, expectations build anticipation, hope, fear, and perhaps lead to disappointment.

Expectations are hard to meet. So why set them high?

The dreamer in my has all these ideas of what I hope my life to look life. Maybe not a fairy tale, but perhaps a quirky independent movie.

The realist in me says, "Set the bar low, then be pleasantly surprised."

I probably should find a middle ground. And perhaps that's what I've been doing lately. I'm a dreamer with the notion of what is feasible and what is out of my reach. My constant prayer has been for God to open the right doors and lock tight the ones that are wrong. This way I avoid pain, rejection, heartache, and disappointment. But my friend Amanda and I were talking one night about praying for peace and she helped me see that that is a better prayer.

I'm thankful for all my heartbreaks, scars, and lost dreams. They remind me of how faithful God truly is. Even when I fail, His love remains ever constant. I make a lot of mistakes and I fall on my face quite a bit, but I'm lucky enough to have found people who do not expect me to be some shiny, spotless person who has all my ducks in a row just because I'm a Christian. The church is for broken people and that's why I can find refuge and comfort there. No judgment, no cynicism, no legalistic ideas, but a home where expectations no longer have to be met.

The more I let go of my own expectations, the more I realize God's plans are so much greater than my dreams. So why not enjoy the unexpected? If I keep waiting for this crazy ideal life, I will never get there. Instead, I will find peace in knowing my life has purpose no matter what road I take.